Subscribe to our newsletter/s so you stay up to date with news and other information from Central Adelaide LHN.

Central Community News
This bi-monthly newsletter is for our community members and partners who would like to hear more about the activities that occur within our services including, patient stories, volunteer profiles, consumer engagement, innovations, reforms, research initiatives, blogs, media stories and other relevant news.

This bi-monthly newsletter is for general practitioners (including trainees/ registrars), practice managers and practice nurses who are for Central Adelaide's community.
It aims to keep our general practice community informed on all activities within Central Adelaide's services including, general updates, research activity, specialist spotlights, resources, upcoming events, vacancies and other GP-specific news.

Consumer News
This bi-monthly newsletter is for our health consumers and their representatives who would like to keep across consumer activities, news, recruitment, activities and events across the CALHN network.

Aboriginal Community Newsletter
The Aboriginal Community Newsletter is our regular newsletter to share news and information with Aboriginal patients, families and communities about CALHN hospital and health services.

If at any time you no longer wish to receive these communications, please click the 'unsubscribe' button in any given newsletter.
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